The Shopware Community Voice Project is complete for 2022 – you can read about the results and get a full copy of the report HERE


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Communiy Voice Project

Shopware Community Voice Project

Thank you for showing interest in the Shopware United Community Voice Project. Before you continue, please take a few minutes to read about the essence of this project and what it aims to deliver.

The Shopware United Community Voice Project (CVP) is your bridge to the Shopware management team to convey your ideas, issues and any other feedback. Since there are many ideas and suggestions which are now being addressed by individual users and since Shopware can only face a few challenges at the same time, we came to the conclusion that it would be good to gather all the feedback at once, filter and categorize it, discuss priorities and in the end present this to the Shopware management. By doing this we make your combined voices stand out and will send a far more stronger signal if we do this together as a community.

On this webpage on the right bottom side you can submit your idea or suggestion. If you are a new user to the Shopware Community website, please note that you will need to take your time to shortly register before you can suggest any feedback. After your submission you will see your entry on the left side and that is where your co-workers, friends or business partners can upvote on and boost your idea and provide additional feedback.

Planned Schedule:

  • From now on – Entry is open for suggestions and can be upvoted on. Agendas for the Open Meeting (below) will be formulated from the feedback received.
  • February 17th – Shopware United is attending Shopware Partner Day, contact us at the event.
  • February 24th  – Open discussion meeting with the community. Anyone with an interest in Shopware is welcome. Please register for the event below
  • In March we will schedule the 1st Community voice session with Shopware management, the exact date will be determined later on. We will aim to present 3 main topics from the CVP and have a minor discussion on 10 others or topics closely related to the 3 main ones. After we have received final feedback from Shopware management we will communicate this with the community.

Principles & Meeting Format:

  • The language of choice for the discussion is English, but since not all in the community are comfortable in speaking English we will do our best to support your native language too.  Shopware United board members all have different backgrounds, from German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Brazilian, Polish to native English speaking persons. We are here to help you to addressing your feedback properly and to support you where language becomes a barrier.
  • Any ideas submitted below will be included in that meeting
  • There will be a range of “Breakout rooms” that will host discussions on specific topics (there will be an opportunity to suggest additional rooms)
  • All Discussions will be documented using a Miro board
  • There will an opportunity to introduce feedback and discussion topics in the meeting

The Rooms planned so far are:

  • Shopware 6 Roadmap Discussion Room -> Rabia Qureshi will be moderating
  • Shopware Partner Program -> Daniel Höhnke will be moderating
  • Open Commerce/SaaS vision -> Borys Skraba will be moderating
  • B2B -> Yann Karl will be moderating
  • Central Lobby -> Tomas Hessling, Justin Biddle & Wouter den Otter will be looking after you here

Register for Open Community Meeting

Contribute Feedback

Adding feedback and ideas here will ensure that these topics will be discussed as part of the Open Community Meeting.  Voting for these ideas will ensure that these ideas are more highly prioritised in discussions.

Solution Specialist Questions

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