Shopware Community Events

This is a listing of events going on around the Shopware United Community. If you have events that you would like to be included in this list and that might be useful to Shopware users please send them through to [email protected].


Dear e-commerce rockstars and online enthusiasts, together we start the fourth edition of our afterwork event and bring you together in the most beautiful city […]

On November 30, we will meet in Krakow POLAND for the third edition of Hello Shopware PL (previously known as Shopware United Days PL). We […]

Kellerkinder together with safefive are inviting you to Frankfurt for the first time at the end of November! So come around, run into us, grab […]

Shopware United is holding a Live Workshop for the newly launched Solution Architect Training. Attendees can join this workshop for free on the condition that […]

Kribbelnde Impulse, tobende Synapsen: ein ganzer Tag voller spannender Sessions und eine loungige Afterparty erwarten dich in Mannheim! Am 23. November 2023 geht das Kellerkinder […]

Six weeks are almost up, a sign for us to make you aware of our beloved Virtual Co-Working Day 🧡 Have you ever thought about […]

On November 22, 2023, the 4th Shopware Stammtisch will take place in Munich. Mothership invites you to Elvirastraße 25 in 80636 Munich. The Stammtisch is […]

Ksenia Zvereva, who serves as the Developer Community Lead at Mollie, will be addressing a diverse range of essential topics in this Community Breakfast Special. […]

The first edition of Hello Shopware in Belgium. Hello Shopware is an event dedicated to Shopware & its development and plans in the Belgian and […]

Our next Shopware Meetup Hamburg is about to start! We invite everyone who is interested in B2B components, climate-neutral office, nice conversations or just “delicious […]