Agenda Conference Day

6th of February 2025 – Jaarbeurs Utrecht




TimeAgenda itemOn stageWhere
09:00-09:30Walk-in with food and beverageTransit Zone
09:30-09:50Welcome TalkSander MangelProgress
09:50-10:20Keynote sessionKsenia ZverevaProgress
10:20-11:00AM break with food and beverageTransit Zone
11:00-11:30Through your customers’ eyes: Web Performance in 2025Karlijn LöwikProgress
11:00-11:30Beyond Testing: Connecting Developers and Testers with a Holistic Test ConceptChristian DanglQuest
11:35-12:05Streamlining Massive Product Catalogs: How Doofinder Simplifies Search & Discovery with a Real-Life Success StoryAnna Atmis & Tobias PoeschlProgress
11:35-12:05Extending flow builderMiriam MüllerQuest
12:05-13:30Lunch breakTransit Zone
13:30-14:00Leadgeneration with LinkedIn – Part IMark VosProgress
13:30-14:00Enhance User Experience with Instant NavigationToon van DoornQuest
14:05-14:35Leadgeneration with LinkedIn – Part IIMark VosProgress
14:05-14:35Are service decorators an anti-pattern in Shopware?Jisse ReitsmaQuest
14:35-15:15PM break with food and beverageTransit Zone
15:15-15:45Save cost and boost your sales with sweatless returnsNiels BergmansProgress
15:15-15:45Launching a project on Shopware with zero experience – our journeyRadu Barbu & Andra LunguQuest
15:50-16:20The Opportunities in Joining the CommunitySander MangelProgress
15:50-16:20Building a marketplace on Shopware: Foleja case studyNoara Bilalli & Shefqet Maloku
16:20-17:00Closing sessionSander MangelProgress
17:00-19:00Networking party with food and beverageTransit Zone


Google maps Congreslocatie Supernova