“Welcome to the 20th edition of our Community Digest!

In this issue, we’re thrilled to highlight the insights and experiences shared by our members. Thank you for being a part of this growing community. Have ideas or stories to share? Connect with us at [email protected]!”


Community Event

17.10.2024 Shopware United Meetup #15: How To Onboard New Developers On Shopware, Tips and Insights / online event

24.10.2024 Solution Specialist Workshop by Shopware United / online event

29.-30.03.2025 Shopware Community Unconference / Cologne – Germany


Events with Shopware presence

03.10.2024 EMERCE EDAY 2024 / Amsterdam – Netherlands 

20.-22.10.2024 Richmond Forum Autumn / Rimini – Italy

02.-03.04 2025 Webwinkel Vakdagen / Utrecht – Netherlands


Recent Blog Posts

Why Writing User Stories is a Waste of Time—Unless You Understand the Process First by Sander Mangel

Why Replatforming Isn’t Your Only Option by Sander Mangel

The role of e-commerce in environmental and ESG strategies by Borys Skraba

Process Automation and AI are becoming increasingly important in e-commerce by Strix

The Potential of Voice Search for eCommerce Businesses by clever++

Combining Shopware and UX/UI Design by Thomas Diroll on weloveshopwarecommunity

Live from Shopware: The future of RFPs and Synchronicity with Phillip Jackson by Talk Commerce

Shopware vs Magento 2 – comparison by BitBag

How to start promoting apps on Facebook? by salestube

How to Set Up Dynamic Shipping Costs by Cart Price in Shopware 6 by BAY20

A Guide to B2C eCommerce Development, Benefits, and Challenge. by icreative technologies

SEO Branding: Your Fast Lane to Visibility! by icreative technologies

Powerful Guide to setting up Shopware analytics for your Store’s Success! by icreative technologies

Unofficial API aware guidelines for Shopware 6 by BrocksiNet

LightningCSS – How to Transform a DashedIdent value? by BrocksiNet

25 Expert Tips for Your Ecommerce Black Friday Checklist 2024 by 2hatslogic

Halloween Marketing Ideas to Boost E-commerce Sales in 2024 by 2hatslogic

Customer-Centric Ecommerce: Top Shopware 6 Strategies for Customer Retention by 2hatslogic

Shopware eCommerce: The Best Solution for Fashion Online Businesses by 2hatslogic

How Do DevOps and Agile Work Together in Software Development? by 2hatslogic

5 opportunities to embrace AI for eCommerce entrepreneurs by cloudflight

Optimizing microinteractions to improve eCommerce user experience by cloudflight

DNS: Wildcards by winkelwagen

JIRA: Don’t start calendar on Sunday by winkelwagen

Shopware Tutorial 2024: Shopware 6 Installation and Configuration Guide by litextension

Wer muss das BFSG umsetzen? Ein Überblick für Unternehmen im E-Commerce by conlabz (german)

Barrierefreiheit in E-Commerce-Plattformen umsetzen – eine Anleitung by conlabz (german)

Das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz: Wichtige Meilensteine und Fristen im Überblick by conlabz (german)

Wann macht ein PIM im E-Commerce Sinn? by Webwirkung (german)

Google Tag Manager in Shopware 6 integrieren by WEBIPROG (german)

Shopware 6: DatePicker außerhalb einer Form by hannespries (german)

Shopware 6 PHP Performance – Config Tweaks im Detail by Pagespeedy (german)

Shopware 6 MySQL Performance – Meine Tipps und Best Practices by Pagespeedy (german)

Shopware 6 Ladezeit mit PHP OPcache optimieren by Pagespeedy (german)

Warum ist eine schnelle Ladezeit überhaupt wichtig? by Pagespeedy (german)

Emotional Shopping: Die Macht der Gefühle im Onlineshopping by wilde van rhee (german)

Was ist Content Siloing? Leitfaden für besseren Content und SEO-Erfolg by wilde van rhee (german)

Neuer Leitfaden: PHP-FPM-Konfiguration für Onlineshops mit nginx by TimmeHosting (german)

Caching in Shopware 6 by TimmeHosting (german)

E-Rechnung wird Pflicht: Was müssen Unternehmer ab 1.1.2025 beachten? by eurosoft (german)

10 Tipps für den optimalen Umgang mit ChatGPT by eurosoft (german)

Shopware 6 Tools für erfolgreiche Onlineshops by ebakery (german)

Shopware 6 Zusatzfelder GLOBAL hinzufügen – Wir zeigen, wie es geht | Tutorial by ebakery (german)

Shopware Analytics by ebakery (german)

Shopware 6 Produktdaten-Import by ebakery (german)

B2B Relaunch und Replattforming – so gelingt es by esono (german)

Google AI Overview: Was bedeutet das für dein E-Commerce und SEO? by esono (german)

Shopware 6 Storefront und Admin Suche im Überblick by atloss (german)

Mit dem Shopware 6 Blog Content veröffentlichen by atloss (german)

Ist Ihr Impressum noch rechtskonform? by netzdirektion (german)

Print-Mailings im E-Commerce: Unverändert effektiv by enno.digital (german)

Google SGE und sein Potenzial, die SEO-Landschaft nachhaltig zu verändern by enno.digital (german)

Avocadostore Fulfillment. Marktplatz für mehr Nachhaltigkeit by Beckmann (german)

E-Commerce Buchlogistik. Erfolgreiches Fulfillment für Bücher by Beckmann (german)

Warum sollte die Shopware 6 URL in Kleinbuchstaben geschrieben werden? by CologneCodes (german)

Barrierefreie Webseiten und Online-Shops – das gilt es zu beachten by econsor (german)

Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR): Was ändert sich für den E-Commerce? by splendid internet (german)

Shopware Fortschritte bei der Barrierefreiheit, Shop Analytics und B2B-Sales by alkima (german)

Interview: Stärkung der Cybersicherheit auf dem deutschen Markt by synaigy (german)

Immer diese Cookie-Banner 🙄 Wie du deinen Cookie-Hinweis (in Shopware) ansprechender und sympathischer gestaltest by WebGrips (german)



eCommerce Redneck Seanson 2 Episode 2 Jason Nyhus GM of Shopware by eCommerce Redneck

Shopware 6: Design mit SCSS Stylesheets anpassen | Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele | #3 – Theme Tutorial by orangebytes (german)

Flows in Shopware 6 erstellen | Flow Builder Tutorial by CologneCodes (german)

Why AI matters – Automatisierung und Kosten-Effizienz onsite by BatteryIncluded (german)

#4k Barrierefreiheit als SEO-Boost by Cloud Leaders (german)

GAMECHANGER für Kundenbindung im E-Commerce: After Sales | Podcast mit Michael Lüken von PAQATO by data-unplugged.de (german)

Gør din webshop klar til vækst – Shopware har flersprogs/flershop funktionen klar fra dag 0! by Gerneraxion (danish)

3 Enkle hacks for at gøre din Shopware ekstremt hurtig – nummer 0 vil overraske dig by Gerneraxion (danish)



027 | Nicole Leinbach Hoffman | Stimulating commerce: disrupting retail and sexual wellness by commerce famous

[048] Carmen Spricht Mit Laura Kremer by shopcast.fm (german)

Mit Arne Wüllner von memberr | Vom 100+ MIO€ Exit zum Excellence SaaS für Retention | ECD#68 by e-commerce decoded (german)

Adrian Kotowski (Audiencly): “So viel kostet eine 60 sek. Platzierung bei Mr. Beast” | ECD#69 by e-commerce decoded (german)

Ben Berndt (ungeskriptet | Rookie Baby): Das Leben des Ben Berndts und die Magie tiefer Gespräche | ECD#70 by e-commerce decoded (german)

Christoph Zöller (Instaffo): “Trotz Covid haben wir mit Instaffo 2.0 über 10 MIO€ gemacht” | ECD#71 by e-commerce decoded (german)

Philip Kahnis (POLLY | Hafervoll): Von 10 Mio. Müsliriegeln im Jahr zu alk. freien Spirituosen | ECD#72 by e-commerce decoded (german)

Die Relaunch-SEO-Checkliste: Interview mit Regina Biskop von der DKB by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)

Wie das SaaS-Startup awork seine SEO-Sichtbarkeit aufbaut: Interview mit Ayla Grzegowski by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)

So eroberst du die großen Keywords in SEO by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)

75% Dark Keywords in SEO: Die meisten Traffic-Bringer sind ein Geheimnis (Analyse) by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)

First Hand Experience: Der Content-Schlüssel in der neuen KI-Welt by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)


Content created by Shopware

Twig Block Versioning in Shopware PhpStorm Plugin

G2 Fall Reports 2024: Shopware wins multiple awards again

Taking the next step towards accessibility: Preparing for the EAA and Shopware’s upcoming solutions

Shopware Developer Digest August 24

Shopware and Kubernetes

Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in September 2024


Shopware United Supporters

As a non-profit community organisation, we rely on the support of many individuals and organisations. We are extremely grateful for this support especially when creating the content for this monthly Community Digest.

Some companies and individuals support us with a small annual contribution of 100 euros as Supporters of Shopware United. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support and list the sponsors below.

If you would be interested in supporting Shopware United as well, please find more information here.