Hello and welcome to the 19th issue of our Community Digest!
This month’s edition is brimming with insights and experiences from our members. We truly appreciate everyone who has helped shape our community. If you have something to share, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].
Community Event
06.09.2024 Community Breakfast – online event
10.09.2024 Hello Shopware Netherlands / Rotterdam – Netherlands
17.09.20924 Shopware United DMEXCO-Pre-Event / Cologne – Germany
17.09.2024 Shopware 5 End of Life Meetup & Rooftop Party / Cologne – Germany
17.09.2024 Shoptoberfest / New York City – United States
17.10.2024 Shopware United Meetup #15: How To Onboard New Developers On Shopware, Tips and Insights / online event
24.10.2024 Solution Specialist Workshop by Shopware United / online event
29.-30.03.2025 Shopware Community Unconference / Cologne – Germany
Events with Shopware presence
18.-19.09.2024 DMEXCO 24 / Cologne – Germany
03.10.2024 EMERCE EDAY 2024 / Amsterdam – Netherlands
20.-22.10.2024 Richmond Forum Autumn / Rimini – Italy
02.-03.04 2025 Webwinkel Vakdagen / Utrecht – Netherlands
Recent Blog Posts
Supporter of Shopware United: Together we are strong! by Shopware United
Understanding coding standards: A deep dive into best practices by BitBag
Top predictions for Christmas online shopping trends by Borys Skraba
Automate Procurement in Shopware with EDI integrations by Sander Mangel
Accessible online store: Requirements and possibilities by Exwe
Syncing millions of products to Shopware by Hans Tucher on weloveshopwarecommunity
How to Fix SEO Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Website Rankings? by elsner
Mysqldump via SSH Tunnel by winkelwagen
Mysqldump: Use the version you want to import into by winkelwagen
Shopware: Plugin install on CLI works, but admin removes it again!? by winkelwagen
How to: Own PHP image by winkelwagen
How Can DevOps Automation Features, Tools, and Benefits Transform Your Business? by 2hatslogic
Sylius vs Shopware vs WooCommerce by 2hatslogic
Why Choose Shopware for Your Online Shop? by 2hatslogic
Creating High-converting Landing Pages by clever++
Creating a Custom Twig Function in a Shopware 6 Plugin by Marcel Wagner
Email Sending and Flow Builder in Shopware 6: A Comprehensive Guide by webeface
How to Create a Simple App with Vue 3: A Step-by-Step Guide by webeface
Resolving the Empty Slider Issue in Product Slider CMS-Element for Shopware and Newer by webeface
The Ultimate Guide to Shopware Ecommerce Platform by Tidio
Shopware 6? Mit Sicherheit! by vanWittelaer (german)
Shopware 6: Immer Ärger mit den JWT-Dateien by Hannes Pries (german)
Shopware PageSpeed Optimierung – so wird Ihr Shop richtig schnell by positionone (german)
B2B-Shop mit Shopware 6: Erfolgreiche B2B-Lösungen by HUBYTE (german)
Passwort länge in Shopware 6 mit einer SQL Anweisung ändern by gb media (german)
KI in Shopware 6: Ihr Potenzial für Wachstum – Teil 1/2 by communicode (german)
KI in Shopware 6: Ihr Potenzial für Wachstum – Teil 2/2 by communicode (german)
Marktplatz Fulfillment. Worauf es ankommt + was zu beachten ist by Beckmann (german)
insights! #82: MarTech Boom, KI, Echtzeit-Datenvernetzung – Buzzword Bingo? by synaigy (german)
insights! #83: AI, Marktplatz, Internationalisierung – Wie diese Bausteine den Online-Handel boosten by synaigy (german)
insights! #84: Zwischen Hype und Realität: was Chatbots wirklich im E-Commerce leisten können by synaigy (german)
Warum ich Pipelines liebe und wie sie unsere Shopware-Entwicklung vereinfachen by Webwirkung (german)
Conversational Commerce – Die Zukunft des Online-Shoppings? by enno.digital (german)
Shopware SEO: So optimieren Sie Ihren Onlineshop für bessere Sichtbarkeit by enno.digital (german)
Google Mobile-First Indexierung: Die Zukunft der SEO-Optimierung by conlabz (german)
Shopware Programmierung: Wie man mit individuellen Shopware-Plugins seine E-Commerce-Strategie optimiert by esono (german)
Die Mythen des B2B E-Commerce by esono (german)
Risiken im B2B E-Commerce by esono (german)
Wachstum trotz Krisen im E-Commerce by esono (german)
So nutzen E-Commerce-Unternehmen den ‘Share of Search’ zur Marktoptimierung by esono (german)
Online-Konfigurator und Multi-Channeling im B2B-Projektgeschäft by esono (german)
Content is King: Ein Blog als Geheimwaffe für deinen Shopware-SEO by esono (german)
Schöne E-Mails aus Shopware versenden – so geht’s (Tutorial) by WebGrips (german)
Mini-Tutorial: Schöne Maintenance-Seiten für Shopware ohne HTML-Kenntnisse erstellen by WebGrips (german)
Bildgröße auf einer Webseite ermitteln: Ein einfacher Leitfaden by Agentur Schölzke (german)
Bilder-SEO: So optimierst du deine Visuals für Suchmaschinen by Agentur Schölzke (german)
Implementatie van MarTech als onderdeel van de e-commerce strategie by Strix (dutch)
Duurzaamheid in E-commerce: belangrijkste aspecten van ESG en het Digitale Productpaspoort. by Strix (dutch)
Shopware vince un premio dopo l’altro e i merchants festeggiano con la piattaforma di e‑commerce leader in Germania by Algoritmam (italian)
Shopware Development: What You Need to Consider by HULK/apps> (chinese)
whatTheFunc()?! Episode 002 – Pierluigi Meloni by Ben Marks
BatteryIncluded 5 tags – Overrated / Underrated mit Carina Urban-Dasgupta by BatteryIncluded (german)
BatteryIncluded 5 tags – Overrated / Underrated mit Laura Kremer by BatteryIncluded (german)
Shopware 5 zu Shopware 6 – Best Practices und Tipps zur reibungslosen Migration | Webinar by Cloud Leaders (german)
EGN Podcast: Sebastian Hamann, Founder & Co-CEO of Shopware, on the future of digital commerce by E-commerce Berlin Expo
026 | Paul Rogers | Hack, build, scale: shapin by commerce famous
025 | Linda Bustos | “The ecommerce truffle pig” on industry trends by commerce famous
024 | Brian Beck | The B2B commerce evolution | Season 2 opener! by commerce famous
Mit André Jonker von Mozart Bett | 20 MIO€ in 2024 mit konfigurierbaren Boxspringbetten? | ECD#64 by e-commerce decoded (german)
Mit Artur Wagner von Braun Büffel | E-Commerce für 137 Jahre Familientradition in unter 12 Monaten? | ECD#65 by e-commerce decoded (german)
Mit Fabio und Luis von Hunderunde | So viel Umsatz in 3 Tagen nach dem Deal bei der Höhle der Löwen by e-commerce decoded (german)
Mit Julian Rauch von Founders League | Die Kampfansage an die Höhle der Löwen auf Steroide | ECD#67 by e-commerce decoded (german)
#135 State of Suchmaschinen 2024 # NdW by E-Commerce Dudes (German)
#137 Temu eröffnet Zugang für Händler aus der EU + NdW by E-Commerce Dudes (German)
#138 Im Fragenhagel: Boris Redlich von Paqato by E-Commerce Dudes (German)
047 Shop-Beschleunigung mit Varnish by shopcast.fm (german)
Wie baust du dein Content Hub? Skyscraper vs. Ranch Style Content by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)
Ein Jahr, 250 Beiträge: 7 LinkedIn Entwicklungen, die wir aktuell sehen by Jaeckert O´Daniel (german)
Content created by Shopware
Shopware Developer Digest July 24
Building a profitable B2C store with Shopware’s low TCO advantage
Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in August 2024
Best B2B ecommerce platforms: choose the right solution
Shopware process automation: Boost your ecommerce efficiency with these practical use cases
Shopware United Supporters

As a non-profit community organisation, we rely on the support of many individuals and organisations. We are extremely grateful for this support especially when creating the content for this monthly Community Digest.
Some companies and individuals support us with a small annual contribution of 100 euros as Supporters of Shopware United. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support and list the sponsors below.
If you would be interested in supporting Shopware United as well, please find more information here.